Eni otiye ango?

Manufacturing otiye tic mi yubu piny ku kero pa dhano, macin,jamtic mathindho thindo man yubu yath jang tic mudok i yubu piny mayuba

Yubu piny mayuba I ganda kawoni otiye mandha dong yubu piny ku jam piny mi podho, cam man gira madha, jam piny mi pacu, jam gyedo man cam mawotho nyathotho kupiny mukende gii

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jukuloka mi yubu piny omaku oroi nyinge ku,

  • Dilo maju lwongo Uganda registration services bureau kara oroi nying kuloka peri
  • Dilo maneno lem musoro majulwongo Uganda revenue authority authority pi musoro peri
  • Gamente mi thedero macalo KCCA, judong wi district kara gi mi langsis mi kuloka


I sawa mi royo nying kuloka peri, omaku I lub mito pa dilo micik macalo

  • Uganda national bureau of standards
  • Uganda investment authority
  • National environment management authority

For individual

  • National ID or any other two of the following valid identification documents: Passport, Driving permit, Voter’s card, Village ID, Employment ID, Refugee ID, recent Bank statement, Work permit, financial card, Visa, NSSF card, etc.
  • Certificate of registration (incase you are in business)
  • Statement of particulars and partnership deeds (in the case of a partnership)

For non-individual

  • Company Form 20
  • Certificate of incorporation

Click here pi nyang mathuc Ikum piny mumitere pi royo nying kuloka peri mi yubu piny

  • Omaku icidh iwi yamu pajumi URA ura.go.ug
  • Click here  kara I roy nyingi calu jakuloka ma yubu jam piny

As a taxpayer, you’re entitled to rights. However, there are obligations that you must fulfil.

Click here  pi nyang mathuc I kum twero man tic peri calu jacul musoro

Click here  for your obligations as a taxpayer.

Piretek ni bedo ku lembe agwoka mandtha pa lem wil nyoke lwor pa kuloka peri pi oro abic manyanok I ngei pa thum pa dwii pa well musoro kara pi konyo I anyim

Lembe agwoka enii otiye

  • Karatasi manyuthu well sente mu mondo man munyothere
  • Karatasi manyuthu well piny mutiye ku well piny muwok
  • Karatasi manyuthu kite mi culo jurutic
  • Karatasi mi cintrack mutiye
  • Karatasi manyuthu well lim I bank
  • Karatasi mi cimo dthanu I tic nyoke mi medo rwom pa dthanu
  • Well piny munyothere iwi lema nyathintho
  • Buku manyutho well piny mutiye I sitowa

Buku mi gwoko piny mapigi tek tek man ku buku nyoke karatasi mapigi tek I kuloka peri macalu buku pa sente mu monde, karatasi mi will, juma miyo deni man jumagamu denii

Adwogi pa lim eni judwogo calu adwogi pa lim mukende

Click here pi nyang mathuc ikite mi coko adwogi pa lim.

Kan idaru coko adogi mi lim, omaku icul well musoro mumitere I bang URA I yore ma egii ee macalo banks, mobile money,visa, mastercard, EFT, RTGS,USSD code(*285


Nindo mi culo musoro otiye nindo mi culo coko adwogi pa lime ca

Dhanu mayubu piny enii gitiye ku mic nyoke bero magi nwango I kum musoro enii dee?

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