DTS Registration

Digital Tax Stamps (DTS) are markings applied to goods or their packaging and contain; security features and codes to prevent counterfeiting of goods and enable them to be tracked and traced.

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The following are steps for Digital Tax Stamps (DTS) registration:

  1. Go to the URA web portal at http://www.ura.go.ug, on the home page, click DTS.
  2. On the main menu click DTS registration and then click here to register for DTS
  3. At the registration page, enter the taxpayer identification number (TIN) and click Register.
  4. An email notification will be sent to the taxpayer’s E-tax registered email, with a link to the next step.
  5. Open the received email, click on the link, or copy the link and paste it as a web address in your browser. This will redirect to the registration page.
  6. Fill in all the mandatory fields and submit your application for approval. You will receive an email notification of successful submission of request.
  7. Upon approval of the request, you will receive an email notification with the user name (labelled as Log in) and a temporary password.
  8. Go to the DTS on the home page, and fill in the user name and password. This will prompt you to set up your own password, with a password policy displayed for guidance.
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