Individual TIN Application

This is a TIN registration process used by an individual to obtain a TIN from URA. An application is done online by completing and uploading an excel Template. The TIN application is subject to verification and approval by a URA staff.

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Any person who is likely to transact in any tax related business with URA, shall be required to apply for a TIN. The TIN is therefore an administrative requirement and applies to all taxpayers, regardless of the tax transaction.


Individual type

Documents required


18 years and above & Ugandan Citizen

·         National ID (Mandatory)

·         NSSF Card

·         Driving Permit

·         Employee’s Id

·         Voter’s Card

·         Passport

·         Village Identity Card

·         Financial Card

·         Current Bank Statement (Past 90 days)



A copy of the Legal/Court document of guardianship


Non-Citizens of Uganda

·         Passport (Mandatory)

·         Visa

·         Work permit(M)

·         Refugee ID (M for refugees)



·         Diplomatic Foreign Affairs ID

·         Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In addition to non-citizen requirements


Business Name

Business Name Registration Certificate (in case of a sole proprietorship)

In addition to individual identification documents

Note: You are required to submit copies of signed registration forms with copies of identification documents indicated in the registration form before a TIN is issued.

  1. To download your TIN certificate:
  2. Visit the URA portal and log in with your credentials.
  3. Under e-services, select Taxpayer Profile.
  4. Then click Print TIN Certificate. The certificate will be downloaded as a PDF.

  1. Visit the URA website and then go to e-services,
  2. Click instant TIN, Fill in the required fields and click submit.
  3. Alternatively, the applicant may visit any of the URA offices or One-stop stations located in any of the Municipalities or KCCA division offices


  1. Open the AskURA App on your phone.
  2. Enter in your Email or Phone number (the one you used to register for your TIN)
  3. Tap on select taxpayer type, choose either Individual or Non Individual.
  4. Tap Submit.
  5. The URA App will display your TIN registered details.
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