It is a TIN registration process used by companies/entities to obtain a TIN from URA. An application is done online by completing and uploading an excel Template. The TIN application is subject to verification and approval by a URA staff.
All companies and other entities registered under the laws of Uganda.
SN |
Sub-entity type |
Documents required (M- Mandatory, O- Optional) |
1 |
Company |
Private Company |
Certificate of Incorporation (M) Company form 20 (M) |
Public Company |
Certificate of Incorporation (O) Memorandum between Government and Entity (M) |
Foreign Company |
Certificate of Registration (M) Company form 19 (M) Company form 21 (M) |
2 |
Partnership |
General Partnership |
Certificate of Registration (M) Statement of Particulars (M) Partnership deed (O) |
Limited Liability Partnership |
Certificate of Registration (M) Statement of Particulars (M) Memorandum and Articles of Association(M) |
3 |
International and Diplomatic Organizations |
Diplomatic Mission |
Letter from Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M) |
International Organizations |
Letter from current Respective Head of Mission (M) |
4 |
Government entities |
Ministry |
Letter from line ministry(M) |
Parastatal /Agency/Authority |
Act of Parliament (M) |
Government funded project |
Letter from line ministry(M) Act of Parliament (O) |
Government Schools/ Government aided Schools |
Gazette (M) Letter from Ministry of Education (M) |
Government Universities |
Act of Parliament (M) |
5 |
Local Authority |
·        City Council ·        City Division Council ·        District Council ·        Municipal Council ·        Municipal Division ·        Council ·        Sub County Council ·        Town Council |
Act of Parliament (M) Statutory Instrument(M) |
6 |
Other Entity types |
Club, Society or Associations |
Certificate of Registration (M) Club Constitution (O) |
Estate or Trust |
Certificate of registration (M) Trust deed (O) |
NGO Certificate (M) Constitution Certificate of Registration (O) |
Note: You are required to submit copies of signed registration forms with copies of identifications documents indicated in the registration form before a TIN is issued