Dul abwo ciko/Mako rec-ocik/Omak kede ocat rec/Ocumbuji

Nga kara ame obedo amak/acik rec kede acat rec onyo Acumbuji?

Acik rec obedo agoo nam onyo ngat ma mako rec me acama onyo me acata.

Acat rec onyo Acumbuji obedo ngat ma cato rec bot dano me acama.  Acat rec onyo Acumbuji twero bedo jo cato rec abup/ me atinga tinga/adwong onyo jo ame wilo rec irwom apiny te wot wero oko, kun nwongo ongeo gini yero, wilo, kite me gwoko, tolo, gwanyo cogo oko ikom rec, kwany cogo kede del rec, cano me acata, keto lama ikome kede cato jami kom rec apat-pat.

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Dano ducu ame nwongo lim ikom ciko rec iUganda kan, mite ni myero ocoye gini bot;

  • Dul ame loo coyo kampuni I Uganda ame olwongo ni Uganda Registration Services Bureau ka imito coye acalo kampuni onyo ka imito coyo nying biacara ni keken acalo yin dano moro ni iromo dang wot.
  • Bot du lame loo rayo ocolo I Uganda kan ame olwongo Uganda Revenue Authority.

Kop Apire Tek:

Ka dong icoye oko kede eryonget aryo imalu no, apur myero lub jami ducu ame mite me bedo ite eryonget acalo bala;

  • Dul ame neno lok kom gwoko kana me orumu wa (National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
  • Dul adit ame neno lok gwoko rec, Cik ma kwako kom rec ki me neno ni tye maber matye ite iryonget agamente me pur, Leyi kede Rec. (Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries).
  • Pi Ocik kede Ocat/ocumbuji rec, lanycec gip e obino medo ka pe itye kede nama me gelo/culu ocolo ame olwongo ni TIN.


Pi yin acalo dano,

  • Balo ame nyutu ni ibedo anywali me Uganda (National ID)
  • Balo me coyo nying biacara ni (Certificate of registration)

Pi Kampuni,

  • Papara ame nyutu nying dairekta nyo wegi Kampuni (Company Form 20)
  • Balo me coye a Kampuni (Certificate of incorporation)

Click here dii kakan pi ngec atut amako coyo biacara ni me Rec

 Pi Kampuni

  • Waraga ma nyutu nying dairekta onyo wegi Kampuni (Kampuni fom 20).
  • Catifiket me cako kampuni

  • Nwong ngec I website me dul ame loo rayo ocolo I Uganda man URA kun be inyonyo intanet ura.go.ug
  • Click here dii kakan pi miyi kite me coye pi ocolo acalo dano acel
  • Click here dii kakan pi miyi kite me coye pi ocolo acalo Kampuni

Acalo agel ocolo, yin itye kede twero ni ame myero neni jo lung oworo. Iyore acelono dang, yin dang itye kede tic me atia ame myero neni itio alubere kede cik.

Click here Dii kakan pi nwongo ngec amako twero ni kede tic ame myero itii acalo agel ocolo.


Dano moro keken ame tye ibiacara me cik onyo cato rec myero neni ocoye pi culu ocolo ikom lim ame en ebedo nwongo ibiacara man. Ocolo ame oculu iya ikom lim ame yin inwongo tye pi dano moro keken, nyo kampuni onyo jo ame oribere ariba itiyo biacara moro ni.

Ocolo pi Kampuni ame ocoye kede gamente;

Man obedo ocolo ame oketo iwi Kampuni ame ocoye pi tiyo biacara. Dok cura mere otio ni ya I dul pyero adek ikom mia acel (30%) me magoba ame kampuni moro ni otio imwaka moro ni.

Ocolo me Lim ame dano onwongo imwaka moro ni;

Man obedo ocolo ame oketo iwi dano moro ni kun cura me tiyo tye papat kun lubu rwom me lima me dano moro no onwongo.

Click here Dii kakan pi nwongo ngec amako kite ame otio kede cura me ocolo me lima me dano nwongo mwaka imwaka.

Ocolo Ame Ongolo Iwi Ocara Otic (PAYE)

Man obedo ocolo ame jo ame occo itic bot ngat a atio Biacara me Puru Atura ame ocara gi kede cente apapat ame oculu gi kede ka oribo kato 235,000= (Lak Aryo I tutumia pyero Adek wie abic) dwe I dwe. Dok otio cura mere alubere kede rwom me cul ame atic acel acel nwongo. Ngat ocoo dano moro nono itic myero ngol oko iwi ocara otic ducu dwe idwe eka te cwalo bot URA.

Click here Dii kakan pi ngec amako kite me tiyo cura me PAYE

Colo ame ongolo oko iwi cul pi jami ame ngatoro ocato bot eryonget (Withholding tax)– Dano ame tio Biacara me ciko onyo cato rec bino gelo ocolo man ka en ocato recere bot eryonget ame ocoye acalo ajen a URA pi rayo ocolo man ame ongolo oko cutu iwi wel cul teki culoro nono tye 1,000,000= (milyon acel) dok kede malu. Ngat ame jami man omio bote keto ocolo man iwel me pacenti abicel (6%)

Click here Dii kakan pi ngec amako kite me tiyo cura me Ocolo ame ongolo oko iwi cul pi jami ame ngatoro ocato bot eryonget (Withholding tax)

Ritan man opongo bala ritan moro keken me ocolo ikom lima odonyo icao ni

Click here Dii Kakan pi nwongo ngec ikom kite me cwalo ripot me cato wil-li bot URA dwe idwe.

Iyonge yin idwok ripot me cato wil-li dwe idwe bot URA, myero dong icul ocolo ame ayaa iye kun itio kede yore apapat me culu ocolo ame ikin gi tye iye Bank, Mobile Money, VISA, Master Card, EFT, RTGS, USSD Code (*285#) ikin en okene.

Kop Apire Tek:

Nino dwe me agiki me dwoko ripot me cato wil-li me dwe moro ni bot URA en aye dang obedo nino me agiki me culu ocolo moro nono

Kit Jami ame myero ket ocolo iye


Ocolo apapat ame Gamente Ojalo


Otoka me keto rec ame tye kede pee iyie.

Okwanyo ocolo okene oko ducu iye ite dul cik ame odano me abic ikom Cik amako ngolo wang boda me lobe me tung Wok Ceng me Africa ame onote me mwaka 2004 ame olwongo East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004.

Ot angic/Okwil

Ot ame ogwoko angic kare ducu (acalo ka gwoko pe wek pe loo)

Ocolo me kelo jami man ilobo aoko tiye zero 0% malube ki cik me tung kunyango me Africa (EAC CET).  Man konyo ka rec pwod omako amaka kede me gwoko jami apura kana me ngic wek pe bale calo ringo, gweno, rec kede en ocele acalo mago.

Pi nwongo konyoro keken amite, kubere kede opici moro keken me URA ame cok kedi onyo goo cim ame pe iculu pire I nama 0800117000 / 0800217000 onyo kubere kedwa iWhatsApp: 0772 140000

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