Bonded Warehouse Information Management System (BWIMS)

BWIMS is one of the trade facilitation interventions specified in the Domestic Revenue Mobilization Strategy to address the challenges of the increased volumes of goods and movement through the bonded warehouses.

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  • Improve cargo management controls in the warehouses,
  • Enhance information sharing between URA and the bond operators
  • Improve the warehousing cargo clearance process
  • Increase operational efficiency and full supply chain visibility
  • Reduce cost of doing business
  • Enhance revenue collection


  • Establish & License  Internal Container Depots/ Transit sheds to handle transit cargo and exports
  • Re-enforcement of the Transit management unit to manage Internal Container Depots.
  • Establishment of the Export unit fully staff to handle export related operations
  • Restricting bonded warehouses to only cargo entered for warehousing.

  • Installation and integration of a Stock Management system or adoption of the BWIMS Module on the STP.
  • Clearly labeling and demarcation of stores( section slots and shelves ), WOE, container yard, verification bay, units yard .
  • Availability of Weighbridges at the warehouses to confirm arrival weights of consignments
  • Regular system updates of trained Off loaders maintained
  • Trained staff to handle the different assignments in the bond.
  • Access to the bonded stores must be restricted to only store keepers, Customs bond officer and off loaders.
  • Installation of shelfs/stalls in the bonds.

Bonded warehouse systems are integrated with customs systems to ensure real-time information in Ware Housing,

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