The system which is premised on GPS technology offers real time location of a truck on which an electronic seal is attached and an alert is triggered in-case of tampering or diversion of such a truck

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With the support of Department for International Development (DFID) through Trademark East Africa (TMEA) the three EAC countries Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda were able to implement a Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System that provides 24×7 real time monitoring of transit goods.

  1. Having a harmonized regional e-monitoring that eases tracking of transit cargo and is done in the different Central Monitoring Centers (Kampala, Kigali, Nairobi and DRC) thereby facilitating a single view of cargo tracking along the corridor.
  2. Protecting government revenue through minimizing diversion of Transit Cargo.
  3. Enhancing transit information exchange among the user EAC countries.
  4. Eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs), in order to reduce transit times (border scenario) and reduce the cost of doing business.
  5. Align the ECTS with the Single Customs Territory and the Regional Customs Transit Guarantee (RCTG) Bond. (One declaration, one bond, one tracking system).
  6. Reduced clearance times given the seamless flow of transit cargo and cost of doing business
  7. Enhanced Cargo security since system provides real time detection of transit violations and rapid response teams are on standby to counteract any violation.
  8. Monitoring Truck driver compliance with COVID 19 SOPs through The Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking integration with the Diver System (RECTDS).

  • The system uses GPS/GPRS technology, an effective tracking technology
  • Targeted units, box body trucks, tankers and containers ferrying transit goods under URA’s control are fitted with a tracking device which sends the seal status, truck location and any violation information to URA on real time basis
  • Once the seal is activated, cargo is monitored from start to destination
  • The truck is expected to move along gazette geo-fenced routes
  • Everything that happens to the cargo is recorded and reported simultaneously with every incident being time stamped together with the location of occurrence
  • Any violation including movement outside the geo- fenced route or tampering with the seal is detected and reported immediately to the Central Monitoring Centre (CMC)
  • Alerts are sent both via e-mail and SMS to pre-defined persons
  • The Rapid Response Unit (RRU) deployed at strategic points reacts to alerts as directed by the CMC

Truck driver equipped with smart phones, installed with RECTDS which comprises of their encrypted COVID 19 health status (COVID 19 Test Certificates) are monitored during the transit movement

What are the benefits of RECTS to the Private Sector?

  • There is reduced cost of doing business.
  • Currently we are tracking 25% of National cargo in Transit and 75% of maritime cargo. 100% of exports to Kenya are all e-tracked.
  • Transit time has reduced from 7 to 2 days for National transits and 14 to 5 days regional Transits. Real time monitoring has left no room for time wastage on transit routes.
  • Delayed departure results into accumulation of demurrage
  • Real-time monitoring of transit cargo.
  • Safe and secure arrival of the goods to their destination
  • The transporters, clearing and freight forwarders have an opportunity to efficiently monitor their respective businesses in the logistics supply chain
  • The clearing agents are saved the burden of suspension due to transit diversion
  • Better negotiation grounds for discount on insurance costs
  • What are the benefits of RECTS to transporters?
  • Ability to see the location of their trucks all the time using their mobile devices
  • ECTS provides a system report as evidence of arrival at destination
  • Transporters can monitor the effectiveness of their drivers i.e. speed, location of parking, diversion from agreed routes
  • Reduced costs i.e. fuel, facilitation for drivers
  • Increased turnover due to reduced customs physical controls, hence more income
  • Reduced tear and wear and increased life span of the truck due to full time monitoring
  • Transporters are able to bill their clients more accurately
  • Improved customer service
  • Ability to manage and communicate with your fleet via mobile device and receive exceptional alerts when the consignee is away from office
  • Insurance discounts due to the enhanced confidence from an assured business tracking system
  • Theft recovery; minute by minute tracking helps to identify the exact location of one’s vehicle which enhances theft recovery.
  • What are the benefits of RECTS to manufacturers?
  • Fair terms of trade due to system efficiency
  • Monitoring goods in their warehouses
  • Reduced costs i.e. on escort charges, fuel, facilitation for drivers
  • Increased turnover due to reduced customs physical controls, hence more income
  • A manufacturer is able to bill his/ her clients more accurately
  • Ability to monitor the location of their goods all the time
  • Provide system report as evidence of arrival at destination
  • Theft recovery; minute by minute tracking helps to identify the exact location of your goods hence enhancing theft recovery

What are the Obligations of transporters?

  • Fulfil the terms and conditions for trucks licensed to carry goods in Transit
  • Pay the Transit Goods License as required by the EACCMA 2004
  • Supervise drivers to ensure compliance with the transit rules and regulations
  • What are the obligations of the Drivers?
  • Provide accurate information in form of preceding transaction clearance documents
  • Submit the correct personal mobile contacts for ease of contact
  • Keep within the gazetted transit routes while conveying transit goods
  • Report any transit incidences to the nearest Customs station on time
  • Respond to inquiries and queries paused by Customs in the course of movement
  • What are the obligations of clearing agents?
  • Execute a transit Bond with the Insurance companies
  • Prepare accurate transit declarations (IM8), and attach all the necessary accompanying documents
  • Account for all the outstanding transit transactions within the schedule
  • What are the obligations of the customs department?
  • Monitor the movement of goods in Transit to avert possible diversion. This is done through:
  • Generation of the Transit document (T1)
  • Respond to transit incidences (e.g. seal breakage and cargo diversion among others
  • Facilitate transit related activities like transshipments and change of destinations
  • Respond to Transit Alerts generated in the course of Transit, and
  • System validation of arrival at the destination station
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