Akitodikinet ngina ituurianitai ngina eyakatar ngatutubeta ka ocur ikotere ngikatacak ocur ngulu angibecarai angulu ciciik.

Man obedo biacara ame well catere pe kato cente me Uganda million miacel kede pyerabic (Ugx 150,000,000) iyi mwaka moro no.

Akadi bed ni, pi tyen kop me ocolo, URA However, for tax purposes, URA par ka biacara ame well cat gi kato cente me Uganda million apar (Ugx 10,000,000) ento pe kato cente me Uganda million miacel kede pyerabic (Ugx 150,000,000). Biacara man myero nwong cente me Uganda tutu mia pyeradek angwen kede miabiro (Ugx 34,700) ni ya icat pi nino acel.

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Itunganan:- ID ngina ke ebuku kori ngiboro ngiarei ngulu ikitodiunito iyong (Epassport,ID ngina ke Ere, ID ngina ke etic, ID ngina meet ngamotokai kori a baruwa ngina itodiunit ngisilinga kon ngulu eya na benki).

Itunganan ngini itiyai ebecara:-Abaruwa ngina itodiunit atemar igiriir ekon becara ka abaruwa ngina itodiunit elope ke ebecara.

Ekampuni:-Ngitinia angikarikok (Directors), abaruwa ngina itodiunit atemar igiriir ekon Kampuni ka abaruwa ngina itodiunit ngirorwa angikarikok

TOTAMUNITE:Okoe totamunite atemar emaikina ekon kampuni kigirir ka arwonget ngina etapit akigir ngibecarai alo Uganda(URSB).


Itunganan ngini erai ekatacan ocur ngolo cici inges etubio ocur iwapakinitai ngatutubeta nguna alokwap nugu mati keseunit itunganan igirakinit alimoret neni ka ekommisiona ikotere ocur keng imarunio iwakinitai ngatutubeta ka ocur nguna ecamakinitai kelunyar arukwaun ngisilinga ngulu etubio




Eyai ekimar

Emam ekimar

Pakedeparit ekimar ke egeelit adaadang ngabugee angisilinga 10



Kedeparit ekimar ke egeelit adaadang ngabugee angisilinga 10 nait nyedeparito ngabugee angisilinga 30

0.4% alo karu alokimar ke egeelit elunyara anabugee a 10

Ngisilinga 80,000

Kedeparit ekimar ke egeelit adaadang ngabugee angisilinga 30 nait nyedeparito ngabugee angisilinga 50

Ngisilinga 80,000 kimorik 0.5% alo karu alokimar ke egeelit elunyara anabugee a 30

Ngisilinga 200,000

Kedeparit ekimar ke egeelit adaadang ngabugee angisilinga 50 nait nyedeparito ngabugee angisilinga 80

Ngisilinga 180,000 kimorik 0.6% alo karu alokimar ke egeelit elunyara anabugee a 50

Ngisilinga 400,000

Kedeparit ekimar ke egeelit adaadang ngabugee angisilinga 80 nait nyedeparito ngabugee angisilinga 150

Ngisilinga 360,000 kimorik 0.7% alo karu alokimar ke egeelit elunyara anabugee a 80

Ngisilinga 900,000



a.Ocur ngolo atac ekatacan ocur ngolo cici erauni ocur ngolo esidion alotooma ngisilinga ka ebecara ke ekatacan ocur

b.Emam ngalemanareta ecamunio ikotere ngisilinga ngulu isitiyatai kori etuborit alotooma arukwaun ngisilinga ke ebecara ka;

c.Emam ocur ngolo ecamunio akinyakun ocur ngolo tacat alosilinga ke ebecara mati ocur ngolo etuboritoi ka ocur ngolo atacitai ekigaren alotooma ekimar ngolo iwakinitai tooma lokimar angisilinga daadang alotooma ekaru ka ekatacan ocur

d.Ekatacan ocur ngolo emamukar ekimar etaci ngisilinga ngulu elimunitoi ka ngulu eyakatatar ekimar etacete ocur ikwa atutubet alotooma ekaru alokimar ke egeelit

Pe. Wegi ngec olagoro aporere jo ame tiyo ilak, kony me dakatal, inyjinia, akauntan,kede jo ame tye kede diro me goyo cal udi iyi akina en okene pec ulu ocolo man.

Piny kan obedo well ocolo pi biacara atitino.




Tye kede rekod

Pe kede rekod

Wel cat ducu ame pe kato cente me Uganda million apar (Ugx 10 million)

Pe culu

Pe culu

Wel cat ducu ame kato cente me Uganda million apar (Ugx 10 million) ento pe kato cente me Uganda million pyeradek (Ugx 30 million)

Pacenti not kede tonere angwen (0.4%) me cat ducu imwaka ace lame okato million apar(10 million)

Cente me Uganda tutu mia pyeraboro (Ugx 80,000)

Wel cat ducu ame kato cente me Uganda million pyeradek (Ugx 30 million) ente pe kato cente me Uganda million pyerabic (Ugx 50 million)

Cente me Uganda tutu mia pyeraboro (Ugx 80,000) medo kede pacenti not kede tonere abic me wel cat ducu ame okato cete me Uganda million pyeradek (Ugx 30 million)

Cente me Uganda lak aryo (Ugx 200,000)

Wel cat ducu ame ame kato cente me Uganda million pyerabic (Ugx 50 million) ento pe kato cente me Uganda million pyeraboro (Ugx  80 million)

Cente me Uganda lak acel kede tutu mia pyeraboro (Ugx 180,000) medo kede pacenti not kede tonere abicel (0.6%) me wel cat ducu ame okato cente me Uganda million pyerabic (Ugx 50 million)

Cente me Uganda lak angwen (Ugx 400,000)

Wel cat ducu ame kato cente me Uganda million pyeraboro (Ugx 80 million) ento pe kato cente me Uganda milio miacel kede pyerabic (Ugx 150 million)

Cente me Uganda lak adek kede tutumia pyerabicel (Ugx 360,000) med kede pacenti not kede tonere abiro (0.7%) ikom cat ducu iyi mwaka ame okato million pyeraboro (80 million)

Cente me Uganda lak abongwen (Ugx 900,000)



  • Wel cat ducu imwaka moro no
  • Bedo kede/tye a rekod me biacara

Nen aber

  1. Ocolo ame atim biacara atitino oculo bino bedo ocolo me agiki ikom cente ame acul ocolo nwongo ikom biacara
  2. Pe obino ye akwanyoro keken pi garama onyo loss ame odonyo iye ikare me yenyo cente ni ya ibiacara kede;
  3. Pet ye pwoc me ocolo ame omiyo ikare me ribo onyo tiyo cura pi wel me ocolo pi biacara atitino. acalo, ocolo ame ongolo dong cen (WHT)
  4. Acul ocolo ame pe kede rekod me biacara bino culu wel ame pe lokere eka e name tye kede rekod bino culu ocolo alubere kede pacenti me wel cat gi ducu pi mwaka acel acel

Itwero culu ocolo man iyore ame oryeo piny kani:

  1. Wot iwebsait me URA; ura.go.ug;
  2. Ite e-services, yer coye pi cul (payment registration).
  • Yer tax type mano. Ocolo pi bbiacara atitino (income tax – small businesses).
  1. Ket namba me ocolo ni (TIN)
  2. Ket wel ocolo arwate kedi alubere wel ame tye Iburaket imalu no
  3. Yer yore me culu cul (banki, cul ni beyo icim,bank, mobile money, nyonyo me kobo cente, iyi akina en okene) eka ite coye pi culu ocolo.

Di kan me coye pi culu ocolo

Nen aber ni iculu wel ocolo ame omiyi. Itwero goyo cim iopici wa moro keken pi kony inamba cime me nono; 0800117000/0800217000 onyo WhatsApp: 0772 140000


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