URA cracks down on tax evaders, intercepts goods worth UGX 64M

As the financial year draws to a close, URA has cracked down on tax evaders flouting tax laws. Acting on intelligence, the URA’s team One conducted a week-long operation recently in the suburbs of Namayiba bus park, Gayaza, Kayunga and Nakasongola lake shores, targeting evaders and smugglers.

The operation resulted in the interception of a significant quantity of goods, worth millions, which had been smuggled into the country to avoid paying taxes.

At Namayiba Bus park, the team uncovered Spaghetti that was hidden under a bus from Burundi, while several rolls of textile material were retrieved from a residence in Magere. In Kayunga and Nakasongola, the tactics changed to chase and intercept which led to the recovery of rice and milk respectively.

The seized goods included; 302.4kgs of Powdered milk; 500kgs of Spaghetti; 2,120kgs of basmati rice; 14,370.36sqm of textile material; 250kgs of prohibited cosmetics; and 3 motor vehicles impounded.

Thanks to the team’s vigilance that uncovered $16,973 dollars (UGX 64,497,278 million) in potential tax revenue.

Armstrong Turyakira, URA’s supervisor in Customs warned errant tax evaders about URA’s readiness to penalize them for all their illicit trading.

“We shall not give up enforcement on tax evaders and smugglers who undermine our economy. We urge all businesses and individuals to comply and the Public is also urged to report any suspicious trade practices,” Turyakira warned.

By John Olowo

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