URA Newsletter September 2022

Dear Taxpayer

Welcome to our September Newsletter Edition, we thank you for your compliance and continued support in meeting your tax obligations amidst the uncertain economy. We appreciate the cooperation and productive networks we have built with some of you as our key strategic partners that have enabled us progressively widen our reach and impact.

We also appreciate the enthusiasm with which our taxpayer and tax education programs with the business communities and in all the regions are attended. You come in big numbers which is evidence of your willingness to learn. This motivates us to continue focusing energies and resources on providing information and support to not only improve compliance but also to grow and strengthen a taxpaying culture among existing and future taxpayers.

I am confident that many will be proud of our expanding revenue basket offer for our country’s continued upward growth trajectory.

At Uganda Revenue Authority, we have a new target to collect this financial year (2022/23) of UGX 25.6 Trillion. Of this, only 53% of the budget will have been realized yet our national aspiration is to attain economic independence where our national expenditure is fully funded domestically. Now in order to raise this, we must double our effort because the economic fabric to generate this revenue exists. As URA, we are committing to improving tax efficiency and enhancing compliance.

Realizing that the new revenue target is a collective effort, we have instituted mechanisms to include; stakeholder collaboration especially in areas of information exchange, and third-party data integration and analysis to identify unregistered persons to expand our tax register and accurately assess tax. Taxpayer Education, through implementing a needs-based strategy to equip taxpayers with the relevant knowledge of their tax rights and obligations.

Simplified and automated processes to encourage voluntary compliance. We have introduced the instant TIN application process to ease registration, auto conversion of customs declaration to combat dumping, expanded the National Electronic Single Window Platform to accommodate 21 more process managers, 24-hour Non-Intrusive Inspection technology and so many more.

Usage of a sector-based approach to customer satisfaction. Currently, we are focusing on the informal sector by working with their different associations, to bring them on the taxpayer register. Together with the Local government and Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB), under a joint program called the Taxpayer Register Expansion Program, we are emphasizing the importance of business formalization. The program also offers a one-stop center where all requirements to formalize are received under one roof.

I therefore urge all of us to be compliant with our tax obligations and continue playing your part diligently.

Ibrahim Kibuuka Bbossa

Assistant Commissioner, Public & Corporate Affairs, URA

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