Who is responsible for the security of goods along the corridors?

Whereas the Partner States provide security, the responsibility of securing the goods lies with the customs clearing agent, the transporter and the owner.


Hasn’t SCT lead to loss of jobs?

The SCT has provided for a larger scope of operations and business opportunities.

How is information relayed between the Partner States and the Port Authorities?

 There is ICT interconnectivity between Revenue Authorities and the Port Authorities to enable real time information exchange on each consignment.

 What is a C2?

It is a cargo movement document issued by the Partner State where the goods are originating from. It is sometimes referred to as a “cargo manifest.”

What is the C11/ C9 process?

 Is the Kenya Revenue Authority process used to manage manifest amendments ONLY initiated by the shipping line. The amendments arise to make corrections on the manifest used to make a Customs declaration.

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