What is the Current status of the SCT implementation?

A number of processes have been rolled which include; All intra region trade cargo moving within the EAC Partner States is cleared under the SCT All maritime ca...
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1 year ago
What is the Current status of the SCT implementation?

When was the SCT implemented?

The SCT commenced on 1st January 2014 as a pilot on the Northern Corridor (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda). The pilot on the Central Corridor (Tanzania, Burundi) commenc...
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1 year ago
When was the SCT implemented?

What are the features of SCT?

The following are the features of the SCT Goods are cleared at the first point of One Customs declaration is made at the destination Taxes are paid at the point...
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1 year ago
What are the features of SCT?

What is a Single Customs Territory (SCT)?

A Single Customs Territory is described as a stage towards full attainment of the Customs Union which is achievable by the removal of restrictive regulations an...
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1 year ago
What is a Single Customs Territory (SCT)?

How does one apply for a License?

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1 year ago
How does one apply for a License?

What are the general conditions for Licensing of a Company?

Conditions for licensing are set out in Section 145(1) of the EACCMA, 2004 and Regulation 150 of the EACCMR, 2010 as follows; An established office with a compu...
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1 year ago
What are the general conditions for Licensing of a Company?

Why is it necessary to obtain a customs agents’ license? Justification? Why renewal?

Justification It is a legal requirement under Section 145(1) of the EACCMA, 2004. The Commissioner may license person(s) to act as agents and it is a punishable...
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1 year ago
Why is it necessary to obtain a customs agents’ license? Justification? Why renewal?

Who is eligible for a Clearing Agency License?

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1 year ago
Who is eligible for a Clearing Agency License?

step 3 continues

After login, you will see the following information: About UESW Project Lead Agency MTIC Implementing agency: URA Project funded TMEA East Africa System provide...
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1 year ago
step 3 continues

After activating their account, the applicant can now login into the system by entering the correct username and password and then click on the “login” butt...
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1 year ago

step 2 continues…

Clearing Agency; This option is for the Clearing Firms and once selected, a user can only have access to the Clearing Agency Module on the system. After clickin...
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1 year ago
step 2 continues…

Applicant Sign Up

An Applicant needs to have a username and password to be able to login into the Single Transactions Portal. To create a user account, please follow the followin...
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1 year ago
Applicant Sign Up

On the home page click on Partners / Agencies and select Single Transaction Portal.

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1 year ago
On the home page click on Partners / Agencies and select Single Transaction Portal.

Are Mombasa and Dar es Salaam Ports the only first points of entry into the EAC Region?

No. Airports and other border intra-region loading points are also considered as first points of entry. Border intra-region such as Vurra, Elegu, Oraba, Mpodwe,...
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1 year ago
Are Mombasa and Dar es Salaam Ports the only first points of entry into the EAC Region?

System login

Login into the system The system can be accessible through Uganda electronic Single window web portal (https://singlewindow.go.ug ) to access login page:  ...
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1 year ago
System login

What is Mutual Recognition of Customs Clearing Agents?

Customs Clearing Agents that are licensed by one Partner State are recognized in the other Partner States and are granted access rights to operate in the respec...
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1 year ago
What is Mutual Recognition of Customs Clearing Agents?

Are there any requirements for stakeholders to transact under the SCT?

 Yes, Key stakeholders must fulfill some requirements to be able to smoothly transact under the SCT clearance procedures. Importers & Exporters Appoint a l...
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1 year ago
Are there any requirements for stakeholders to transact under the SCT?

Are there any requirements for stakeholders to transact under the SCT?

Yes, Key stakeholders must fulfill some requirements to be able to smoothly transact under the SCT clearance procedures.
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1 year ago
Are there any requirements for stakeholders to transact under the SCT?
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