Conditions for licensing are set out in Section 145(1) of the EACCMA, 2004 and Regulation 150 of the EACCMR, 2010 as follows;
- An established office with a computer capable of connecting to the customs computer system,
- Physical location of which shall be indicated in the application form for customs verification purposes;
- Have at least two employees in charge of clearance with a diploma, certificate in customs training from a recognised institute or a minimum of five years experience in customs operations.
- Have legal company documents such as;
 (i) the memorandum and articles of association of the company;
(ii) the certificate of registration/incorporation of the company;
(iii) the Tax Identification Numbers of the company and of the director;
(iv) the current tax clearance certificate;
(v) copies of identity cards, passports or other forms of identification of the directors and staff proposed to directly handle or sign customs documents;
(vi) recent passport size photographs of directors and staff duly certified by a Notary Public or a Commissioner for Oaths
(vii) proof of affiliation to or membership of a recognized clearing and forwarding association;
(viii) valid tenancy agreement for suitable office accommodation or proof of ownership.
(viii) Work permit of non-national employees and Directors. - Details of bankers and bank account
- Payment of application fee of $50.
- License Fee of $400.
- Any other requirement as the Commissioner may deem fit.
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